Friday, 15 March 2024

The Art and Beauty of Intentional Camera Movement (ICM)

Intentional Camera Movement (ICM) is a art form in itself, for those willing to see (the Emperors new clothes?), it is beautiful. 

Greens, blues, browns and a wee bit of red
I went into the hills and went to Joshi’s Cottage (for the second time read about when I went for the first time here).  

A bit of path with bushes overgrowing
Going for long walks into the forest with my camera, I decided to shake up my photography by doing intentional camera movement (ICM).

Slower this time, browns and blacks bring out the foreboding forest
It is like using a paint palette, broad brush stokes and and a dabbing effect, a very different view and feel from the typical photograph.

A hint of red (rhododendrons) amidst the green and almost black leaves, the sky peeps through at places
Initially I simply wouldn’t get it right, but after more than fifty tries I slowly started I started getting the hang of this creative art form (or so I think!). 
From dark at the bottom to light at the top, the palette of colours  
Slowly I tried to get streaks of red in a green and brown background. but being in a forest they were predominantly colours of green brown.

Diagonals this time with glimpses of red.  Very slowly and which accounts for the curly designs

An extreme movement, slightly curved, I don't know how that happened, maybe the lens I used or the movement 
I am still miles away from this form, more hit or miss really. But I am getting there, ever so slowly. Maybe I will try the colours of the seashore next time. I am gradually reimagining the world through the art and beauty of ICM.

1 comment:

  1. Nice these reminds me of our panning experiments at Mub-Pun Expressway
