Saturday 9 February 2019

Butterflies - Bits of Sunshine

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world,
the Master calls the butterfly

-Richard Bach 
 A Blue Tiger sips at a Siam Weed
Wandering along a side trail in the Nagla Block, a part of Sanjay Gandhi National Park, I came across a small stream where I saw some butterflies puddling.  I thought to myself, how wonderful it would have been to see many of these.... 
...and I came to this patch of Siam weed which had a cloud of butterflies sipping away at the flowers. Like this Striped Tiger.  Little bits of sunshine, flitting about without a care, flower to flower.
...there were Tailed Jays, hyperactive, wouldn't sit still or pose for a photograph....
... and Dark Blue Tigers, sitting placidly with their buddies, a rainbow of butterflies.
This Handmaiden Moth, a rainbow on wings, hovered around, oblivious to the camera.  Of the species I saw, this was the only moth and the single insect of its type.  

This apparently was the only patch in this forest where all conditions came together, the food, sunlight, water and this rainbow of butterflies.
This Pioneer Butterfly calmly sits on a Siam weed flower, goes about its business... and has its picture taken...
The Tailed Jays were very flighty and quick, I got in a picture in the fleeting moment they seemingly touched a flower.
The whole patch was alive with butterflies, flitting to and fro, a kaleidoscope of colour, ever changing, never still.

“A fallen blossom
returning to the bough, I thought --
But no, a butterfly.” 
― Arakida Moritake, Traditional Japanese Poetry: An Anthology 


  1. Beautiful pictures with nice words

  2. Exquisite. Like miniature paintings. Each one with its own story.

  3. Nice pictures. The real experience must have been awesome. 👌

  4. Superb photographs with excellent descriptions.
